On Joining...
Mostly, my lack of affiliation, as it were, causes me no anxiety apart from when I have to tackle that section on my CV which demands that I fish out every single bit of 'joinery' I've ever undertaken, and dress it up to be something fantastically amazing and world-altering when committed to paper. To date, the most I can manage is that I was forced to join PADI in order to qualify as an open water SCUBA diver. I suspect this fact won't bump me up the ladder from Worker Bee to CEO.
Recently, however, I joined an organisation in an attempt to garner some freelance copy-editing and proofreading work. At this point, I would like to digress in an attempt to explain the horrific typos, spelling and grammar errors you find littered throughout this blog. This blog is a mess, undoubtedly. It does reflect the real state of my mind – at times inarticulate and often pleasantly deluded that it's not as bad as it might be. I ask that you don't judge my capabilities by what you see on this blog- I can pull it together…when I'm paid to! ;-)
Agh, wha-eva!…Judge away!!!
Annnnnnyway…. So I joined Wedge. And boy, has it been an education in the pedantic. If I were to personify Wedge, the individual would look as follows:
· +/- 65 years old
· Male or female
· Frowning, except when he/she spots a colleague's mistake
· Lives alone
· Has too much time and not enough to fill it
· Goes through the Yellow Pages in order to find spelling and grammar mistakes for his/her entertainment
· Listens ONLY to classical music
· Cannot possibly EVER be wrong….ever
· Has children who choose not to visit him/her
· Needs to have the last word
In short, Wedge is Aubrey Tearle, the protagonist in Ivan Vladislavic's "Portrait withf Keys – Joburg and What-What."
In the two months or so during which I've been a member of Wedge, the following email barnies, comprising back-and-forths of minimum 15 Google-group emails, have occurred:
· The fee one charges for proofreading (around 12 emails)
· Whether it's HIV/Aids or HIV/AIDS (14 emails)
· Where to place a full stop in a sentence (18 emails – apparently "at the end" is not a good enough answer)
· About 20 emails blasting the hell out of a guy who sent a 1Mb file to the member list, while many of them are on dial-up….OH THE SHAME, OH THE HORROR!
To quote Rhonda from 'Muriel's Wedding'…what a bunch of cocksuckers! I'd be lying if I said I was not concerned about the effect this group might have on me. I've asked my friends to kill me if they ever see signs of this pedant infection overcoming me. G.B, please use your sword.
At 11:17 am,
Anonymous said…
My samurai sword? No way - I reserve that for the days when Slipknot takes over my brain and I must obey the will of Satan. Rather, I will beat you into submission by repeatedly spelling "lose" as "loose" in my correspondence with you.
At 11:20 am,
Anonymous said…
PS. As a compulsive joiner myself (except when it comes to anything religion or god related), I can honestly say that I very much envy you. Joining things, despite my pathetic and narcissistic belief that it contributes to society in some way, ACTUALLY only leads to boredom, extra work, and exposure to weirdos.
In fact, my new year's resolution is going to be to join less stuff (seriously).
At 11:50 am,
boldly benny said…
Over time I've also experienced an aversion to joining things. I was really good at school and varsity and the word 'joiner' would've had my name next to it. But of late, they just seem to cause more work and open you up to people's whinging and complaints - as you have experienced - that I've shied away from joining things that will only stress me out.
I suppose if I could join things that really interested me I would, and some work related things seem worthy, but I don't foresee myself being a body corporate member in the future.
At 12:39 pm,
K.M. said…
"Joining less stuff" is a good resolution for you, methinks. One should only join efforts that have direct rewards...like...um....a fan club devoted to yourself. YEAH! Finally a club that's worth joining.
Benny, worthy causes...Pah!!
At 2:51 am,
Jason Franks said…
"I wouldn't want to be in any club that would accept ME as a member."
-- JF
At 2:29 pm,
Karin said…
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At 2:30 pm,
K.M. said…
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