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Wednesday, August 27, 2008

To Feed or Not to Feed

Today I was copy-editing a study about infant nutrition, when I came across a real gem.
Here is the last sentence, verbatim:

"That study suggest (sic) that feeding VLBW infants during the first two months after discharge could be of particular interest at this early stage of development"

Pregnant readers (and those who've recently given birth), take note: feeding your infant may be of interest to you. Then again, it may not. Your choice, really.

Do let me know what you decide to do, please.


  • At 2:55 pm, Blogger phillygirl said…

    Oh, tell me that by "after discharge" they didn't actually me "after giving birth"! If so, how did that escape your commentary?!?

  • At 3:22 pm, Blogger K.M. said…

    Indeed, I did notice that, however in this sense it meant after discharge from hospital. heheheh!!!

  • At 3:28 pm, Blogger Unknown said…

    I would say, in the interest of having a good nights sleep it will always be a good thing to feed the infant. But what do I know. I'm not a mother.

  • At 9:48 pm, Blogger Koekie said…

    Hmmm, I lost interest in feeding my fish pretty quickly. Is that the same thing?

  • At 9:45 am, Blogger K.M. said…

    Glugster, I am sure this non-interest in feeding one's child applies to fathers too.

    And fish, too, Koekie. Interest is overrated, I've found. Let the buggers find their own food. G.B's brother's attach fish actually jumped out of his bowl, ate an ant, and dived back in. Now there's a fish with ambition!


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